Why risk dangerous side-effects? Go Natural !
Is it possible to experience life changing relief from acid reflux and heartburn? Refluxgone®
Emphatically answers , “YES” ! The team of experts behind Refluxgone® has created a unique heartburn formula featuring the amazingly innovative anti – heartburn properties of complete naturally derived ingredients. After numerous studies, the scientists behind Refluxgone® have come up with a powerful formula in order to accomplish this tremendous challenge.
What is the Secret?
Refluxgone® is considered the “ best natural acid reflux & heartburn remedy in 25 years! “ This new combination of ingredients is your secret weapon to fight heartburn safely and effectively.

Because Refluxgone® attacks heartburn and acid reflux from so many different angles, it’s impossible to go wrong. Refluxgone® stops the agonizing, burning sensation instantly. The often very irritating and painful bloating is reduced by numerous essential oils with anti-flatulent properties. Digestive enzymes and minerals support bowel movement.
The Scientifically Tested and Proven Ingredients
Refluxgone® contains one of the most potent and all natural ingredients on the market, Coral Calcium.
The second powerful component is Organic fennel seed powder, known for its anti- flatulent properties for hundreds of years in Europe and used in homeopathy for a very long time.
The third component is Green microalgae chlorella , which gained more and more importance in the scientific world during the last couple of years due to its widespread benefits, proven in numerous clinical studies . The digestive enzymes in chlorella, chlorophyllase and pepsin support digestion.
Component four is Montmorillonite natural clay , well known as a detoxifying ingredient, due to its absorptive properties. The Indians used it for a long time until it got rediscovered by scientist due to its ability to absorb heavy metals and toxins.
The fifth ingredient is Ginger root which has a 2000 year long history in being used as a medicine in Asia and India. Clinical studies showed good results when ginger was used for treating indigestion, gas or nausea.
When not used in excess, but as described, Refluxgone® is 100% safe and side- effect free.

Coral calcium
Coral calcium reacts with the stomach acids very fast, instantaneous and helps reduce and neutralize the stomach acids. It is considered an antacid. The Coral calcium is an all natural source of calciumcarbonate known for its ability to reduce heartburn.

Organic fennel seed powder
Fennel seed is an all natural component, known for its valuable anti- flatulent properties due to the numerous essential oils, such as limonene, anethole, anisic and cineole. The aspartic acid, an amino acid found in fennel as well is also known for carminative properties. The essential oils found in fennel seed have anti-acidic properties which help balance the stomach acids. The high fiber content helps prevent constipation and acts like a laxative. It helps clear the bowel and maintain the proper peristaltic motion of the intestines.
Fennel seeds contain copper, iron, calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A,E,C, B- complex and niacin.

Calcium smectite, Montmorillonite
Calcium smectite, Montmorillonite is alkaline and counters the acids as well, slower but thorough and in a more complex manner.It is a pH balancer and has absorptive abilities. It absorbs heavy metals and toxins :It swells up to three times of its volume, when it gets in touch with water. Drink plenty of water with your intake in order for the calcium smectite to properly function. The water itself penetrates the interlayer space in the mineral complex, attracts the impurities, the gas, toxins, free radicals and heavy metals into the large surface area of the cavities. There, they are trapped between the phyllosilicate layers and will be eliminated through the colon. Calcium smectite acts like an ion exchange system and releases valuable minerals and trace minerals when getting in touch with water: Mineral content in mg/1000 mg: Silicon 110, Calcium 36, Potassium 14, Iron 12, Magnesium 6.5, Sodium 5, Sulfur 4.5.Trace Mineral content in mcg/1000 mg: Phosphorus 320, Boron 220, Chlorine 220, Manganese 83, Zinc 26, Selenium 5, Cobalt 4. This layered complex scrapes and cleanses the lining of the colon, while passing through. At the same time the body absorbs its macro and trace minerals.

Green microalgae chlorella
Chlorella contains natural digestive enzymes, such as chlorophyllase and pepsin that help with digestion. Chlorella is alkaline and helps support the body’s pH balance.
It is single-celled and with its organic cell walls broken, it has very good detox effects. It is known to absorb heavy metals, such as cadmium and lead.
Broken cell wall algae are known to be an excellent source of Protein (Amino Acids), Vitamin and Minerals.
Protein content in g/100 g: Chlorella 58, Beef 24-27, Fish 18-29, Eggs 13. Mineral content in mg/100 g: Calcium 221, Iodine 0.4, Iron 130, Magnesium 315, Phosphorus 895, Zinc 71. Vitamin content in mg/100 g: B-1 1.7, B-2 4.3, B-6 1.4, B-12 0.13 , C 10.4, Niacin 23.8.
Intake of 3 gram chlorella provides 4 microgram of B12, 70% of the US RDA.

Ginger root
Ginger root is known for thousands of years in Asia and India as a medicine for treating indigestion, gas and nausea, and became more and more a target of clinical trials in the western world during the last couple of years.

Results in the Testimonials may not be typical and your results may vary. Not all people will obtain the same results and these supplements are intended to be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

" I am taking Refluxgone® for quite some time now and it really works for me.I don’t have any side effects at all. I wanted to drop a note to your great customer service team. I called in and they answered all my questions and were super helpful.
Thanks again! "
- Steffi Marschelke

" I tried Refluxgone® and it really worked literally right away. Sometimes I am suffering from Heartburn and this burning sensation is keeping me awake in the middle of the night. What a relief when I can get back to sleep ! I try to avoid unnecessary prescription medication since the side effects are sometimes worse than the relief they are providing. I googled all the ingredients in Refluxgone® and they are all natural, what a great product ! I can recommend it . "
- Dr. Axel Drefahl

" I was a little bit sceptical first, but when I saw the 100% money back option on your product I knew I can't go wrong.I tried it. It works great, and it helped me right away with my sour stomach.Feel more energetic.Is there a discount when I buy three bottles at a time? "
- Gisela Motschmann

" I tried Refluxgone® for my heartburn because it is all natural. I am a frequent flyer and spend a lot of time on a plane. My heartburn comes and goes, I guess it is the combination between stress and irregular meals. I have tried different kinds of OTC antacids over time, and I am one of those who had problems taking it, just because I get flatulence and bloating really bad and having said that you may imagine how it feels, when you are sitting on a plane with this kind of discomfort. Your Refluxgone® did not cause any of those discomforts at all, and that is a big relief on my end. I fly now without any fears to run into troubles. I even took the time to read your info page on pH balancers and triggers of acid reflux.I started using DailyDetox for three weeks by now and feel a difference.Had to take less of the Refluxgone® lately. "
- Bill Kuhlmann

" Hello Refluxgone®, I tried your stuff, and it worked. I am Anna-Maria Zotti from Lake Tahoe area a single mother raising three wonderful girls.I read your site, and it is truly educational. I do have heartburn, sometimes often, due to my stressful life.I am not a binge eater, nor am I overweight or a smoker or heavy drinker and consider myself as health-conscious, therefore, I am looking for all natural solutions. I found a home remedy on the internet stating it would help, apple cider vinegar, I tried it, it did not. I read your site, and I think I understand now why. If you have too much acid in your stomach you don’t add on more, or? Vinegar is acidic and how would that help? Your stuff works, and I followed your guidance by taking your all natural daily pH balancer to avoid acid reflux in the first place. I like your products, they seem to help me. "
- Anna Maria Zotti
When used, as directed, Refluxgone is 100% safe and side- effect free.
If you take prescription medication consult with your pharmacist or doctor prior to intake.
For daily use 2 capsules once or if needed twice per day. Take it after your meals and drink plenty of water, at least one glass per intake. Do not use more than nine capsules within 24 hours. Do not use maximum dosage longer than two weeks at a time. Keep out of reach of children.
If you take 2 capsules daily it will last a full thirty days.
YES, we do offer an unbeatable 60 day money back guarantee. We’re that confident . In the unlikely event that you are not, you will get your money back.
All you have to do is contact customer service and they will give you instructions on how to return your order . This offer is good for one bottle and all unused bottles in resalable condition.
The entire bottle count is 60 capsules 500 mg each.
Each capsule contains of 350 mg Coral Calcium ( 40% Calcium ) and 150 mg of proprietary blend of broken cell wall algae, organic fennel seed powder, organic ginger root powder, Calciumsmectite ( Montmorillonite)